The Problem
With an increase in demand and available opportunities, Direct Selling industry is in constant need of online flexible systems allowing an opportunity to shop easily and earn smartly. Our clients were in search of such a solution to have a competitive edge in the industry. They needed a dynamic environment with multiple shopping options, a platform to manage overall business cycle effectively on real-time basis and allow to announce earnings periodically for salesforce and team.
Our Solution
Party2Profit solution proved an ideal choice as a one-stop solution for these dynamic and evolving needs of the direct selling business. It provided a common platform to the organizations and their salesforce to have effective administration with an enhanced and sophisticated shopping platform.
Party2Profit allows setting up and organize parties from anywhere within country. Its real-time reporting allows to compliment earnings and generate rewards periodically in terms of bonus and commissions.
Our Results
Client organizations are now connected with business and salesforce on real-time basis, which has allowed them to support and offer dynamic earning options and earn quick rewards on sales. This solution has resulted in orgranizations and salesforce to have an effective overall administration and a user-friendly shopping experience that is awarding them earnings against the shoppings.