If eProcurement users can’t find what they need – because the data can’t be found when descriptions are bad or incomplete – the user makes an off-catalog buy at a higher price for something that was or should have been available at a preferred price. This creates lost revenue in form of higher costs. Thus, product content has to be managed effectively to avail the benefits of efficient eProcurement.
The Content Management Portal has two modules – supplier enablement and online sourcing.
Supplier Enablement: Provides interface for rapidly on-boarding catalog contents. Suppliers can control product information to ensure real-time quality content, including price and product uniqueness for high returns.
Online Sourcing: Presents all suppliers product information for the shoppers including indexed product from supplier sites.
Technology: Microsoft .NET (C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET) 2010, AJAX, JQuery, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Microsoft SSIS, Microsoft SSRS, WCF, nHibernate