
The e-commerce industry has changed the way business operates in today’s time, whether it is retail, business to business, locally or globally. This has created a huge potential for use of technology for doing business the eCommerce way. eCommerce is a significant contributor to the business economy creating umpteen opportunities for the entire range of industry covering home-based to small, medium and large enterprises.

NetWeb has delivered both buy-side and sell-side eCommerce solutions. NetWeb has developed a rich content catalog creation and management system. This system creates marketplaces for its users and also syndicates or publishes to applications like Procure+, Ariba, Clarus and CommerceOne.

NetWeb has enhanced and maintained a large feature-rich eProcurement solution with sophisticated workflow, catalog management and transaction management capabilities to manage entire purchasing process. It has also developed and support related supplier enablement portals, shopping cart applications, enterprise sourcing portals and other eCommerce solutions.

NetWeb has validated two complementary eCommerce solutions to handle eProcurement. NetWeb has also worked on development of KPIs, Alerts and CRM functionality for a web based Business Process Management system.

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